
20 Medicines for herbal coughs and sore throats

20 Ways to treat cough by natural means

Coughing is the most common disease among people around the world, coughing is not a deadly disease but this disease is very disturbing to our daily lives and if it continues to be allowed to cough it will be a deadly disease that is coughing tuberculosis accompanied by blood due to throat infection. 

For those of you who might want to cure a cough, they will immediately buy medicine stalls, but remember! if you eat a lot of medicine, the stall will actually add a lot of diseases so I suggest not to consume medicine stalls because that is let's take the following herbal medicine   20 Cough herbal remedies 

1. Honey How to treat cough by natural means with honey

Research has proven that honey effectively treats cough and neck pain. You can consume it with warm water or with lemon juice. Yummy! Honey is a natural cough medicine for children. Give one tablespoon of honey before bed to cope with cough, sore throat, and increase endurance. 

AAP pharmaceutical clinical researcher Ian Paul MD has researched that honey has a better effect in relieving cough compared to drugs sold on the market. 

Honey coughs, but remember, honey is only safe for consumption by children over the age of 1 year. Before that, the baby's digestion is not prepared with the botulism effects of honey. 

2. Increase consumption of water.

How to treat cough with natural ways to multiply the consumption of water

The most simple treatment is to drink lots of water. White water helps melt mucus and keep the throat hydrated. 

3. Garlic How to treat natural cough with garlic 3 garlic cloves peeled, washed, crushed. Give 1 tablespoon of honey and melted sugar cubes. Mix all ingredients, stir until smooth and strain. Drink every morning until healed. 4. Ginger How to treat cough by natural means with ginger Who would have thought that ginger can also be one of home remedies when a child is coughing. The content in ginger can help fight viruses that cause coughing.

But ginger may not be a favorite food of children because of its strong taste. For that, mix ginger with honey to add to the sweet taste that children love. 

 Eastern traditions often use ginger to cure colds and coughs due to the properties of antihistamines and decongestants. 

1. You can make ginger tea by adding 12 slices of ginger to 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, then add a little honey and lemon. Voila! 

2. A thousand fingers of ginger are washed, crushed. Boil with 2 cups of water until the water remains half. Drink the boiled water at once. 

In addition, you can also add a little water to make honey ginger syrup. Give about two tablespoons to the child to relieve their coughing.
You can also add apple vinegar that works to fight bacteria. 

5. Sweet starfruit How to treat cough by natural means with sweet blimbing 2 star fruit which is ripe, eaten twice a day. can relieve cough and sore throat 6. Gargle of Salt Water How to treat cough naturally with salt water Children at toddlers usually understand the concept of gargling since they learn to brush their teeth. Well, rinsing with salt water can also be applied as a natural cough medicine method that is quite easy to do. Invite your baby to rinse with salt water. If they are not familiar, practice in front of them.

Just add a few tablespoons of salt to warm water. Stir until evenly distributed, and gargle as long as possible. Ideally for one minute and can be repeated as often as possible. This warm salt water content can fight bacteria in the mouth. 

Not surprisingly, this traditional method still lasts from the past to the current generation, because its effectiveness is undoubted. 7. Wuluh starfruit  How to treat cough in a natural way with wuluh blimbing A handful of wuluh starfruit leaves, a handful of flowers, and 2 fruits and enough sugar cubes boiled with 2 cups of water until the water is half left. Filter. This herb is enough to drink 2x a day. Note: because wuluh starfruit is acidic, it should not be eaten by heartburn sufferers. 8. Temulawak

How to treat cough in a natural way with ginger

1 ginger rhizome washed, peeled, shredded while given 1 glass of boiled water. Squeeze, give a spoonful of honey tea and lime juice. Drink 2x a day, ½ cup each.

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9. Berkuah Foods How to treat coughs in a natural way with berkuah food Not just a myth apparently that berkuah food served while warm can be a natural cough medicine therapy in children. The correlation is that the body needs more fluid intake while coughing. Gravy food answers those needs. In addition, a lot of fluid intake will make phlegm more easily removed. You can prepare any type of soup like porridge to soup. Or besides food, warm lemon juice and warm apple vinegar can also be very good fluid intake for your little one. Lemon can also be efficacious as vitamin C for the body. 10. Eucalyptus How to treat cough by natural means with eucalyptus

1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil, grated ¼ nutmeg seeds, ½ lemon juice, mixed together. Rub on the patient's back and chest. Do this 2x a day, for 3 days. 11. Cloves How to treat cough by natural means with 10 cloves of cloves, 10 pieces of betel leaf, nutmeg meat from one nutmeg. All washed. Nutmeg is crushed. Boil with 3 cups of water until the water is half. Let cool. Drink 3 times a day @ 4 tablespoons. (Children are half enough). Each time you drink it, add the juice of lime juice from 1 slice of orange. 12. Milk and Turmeric How to treat cough by natural means with milk and turmeric

The combination of milk and turmeric may feel strange, but it turns out that these two combos can be an alternative natural remedy when the child is coughing. 

Turmeric milk will make the inflamed throat subside. This method is also proven effective in overcoming dry cough in children. 

The way to make it is to add turmeric powder to one glass of warm milk. Give to your baby at night before going to bed. 

The antiseptic content in turmeric will help cure a child's cough. 

13. Cardamom How to treat cough by natural means with cardamom Cardamom seeds are washed and rinse, then chewed-chewed after the liquid comes out swallowed. 14. Herbal Tea without Caffeine How to treat natural cough with decaffeinated tea

Tea does not only belong to adults. Children can consume herbal teas to help relieve the cough they feel. 

Choose one that doesn't contain caffeine for your baby. Making it yourself at home is very easy. 

The trick is to boil the tea leaves in a glass of water. You can also add balm leaves or licorice. 

Boil for 8 to 10 minutes. Then give the child three times a day to relieve the cough they experience. 15. Kencur This recipe can also be used for stomach aches. In children, half the dose is enough. How to treat cough by natural means with part 1

3 pieces of kencur each for the size of a finger washed, peeled, shredded. Give half a glass of water and a little salt. Squeeze with a cloth. Drink every morning and evening, each one recipe. How to treat cough by natural means with kencur part 2 A piece of kencur is as big as a finger, washed, peeled, and chewed until it is pulverized, while the water is swallowed. Done every morning. How to treat cough by natural means with part 3 part of a piece of kencur as big as finger washed, shredded. Given 2 tablespoons of water. Squeeze the water with a cloth. Enough to drink 1x. We recommend that you drink 2x a day for several days. 16. Hot shower How to treat cough naturally by taking a hot shower

If you usually work in a cold environment, take a bath with hot water! Steam collected during a hot shower can relieve cough by relieving a blocked nose. 

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17. Cumin Leaves How to treat cough in a natural way with cumin leaves 7 leaves of cumin washed, boiled with a glass of water to live half. Drinked in the morning and repeated in the afternoon for about two weeks. 18. Turmeric How to treat cough in a natural way with turmeric A layer of turmeric, a little ginger, grated, then brewed with water. Filter. Add a little rock sugar and lime juice. Drink this concoction 2x a day. 19. Lime How to treat cough naturally with lemon

1 lime squeezed, washed, mixed with one half spoonful of soy sauce and a little salt. Stir until smooth, strain. Take 1-3 times a day. Or 1 lime washed, squeezed. Give warm water, a piece of rock sugar. Mix well, strain. Drink 1x a day until healed. 

20. Sip lemon slices. How to treat cough in a natural way with lemon Lemon fruit with a little extra salt really helps relieve coughing, you know. If you can't stand the acidity, you can also mix lemon juice into honey water.

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